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As traders believe this meme coin could be the next big thing in cryptocurrency, it recently hit $600k during its initial coin offering

As the crypto market turns green and prices pump, the exciting new presale project Meme Kombat ($MK) has now raised $600,000 in its presale as it continues to gather momentum due to its unrivaled utility.

The project launched earlier this month is a meme coin with a difference – offering a small supply, a doxxed team, and huge utility through staking and its play-to-earn game – the Battle Arena.

$MK tokens are available for $0.1667 during the ongoing presale, making all tokens available through one round with a fixed price.

What is the Meme Kombat Battle Arena?

While many meme coins live and die based purely of investor speculation and sentiment, Meme Kombat is offering token holders a way to earn tokens and funds through its unique play-to-earn game.

Underpinned by blockchain technology and artificial intelligence, the Meme Kombat Battle Arena sees players wager on the outcome of battles between popular characters from the meme coin world.

That could mean Floki vs Pepe or Doge facing Shiba – with characters rendered via AI.

Blockchain technology will ensure all results and outcomes are immutable, transparent, and fair, with winners being paid immediately after a result has been determined.

The Battle Arena comes with direct betting – where players simply pick a side to win – as well as player vs player or player vs game betting to add depth and intrigue to the play, with players needing to leverage their understanding of the characters’ strengths.

There will also be general and high-stakes battles, as well as the ability to wager on season-long trends and unique in-game occurrences, as well as side-action, such as specific moves or outcomes.

The Meme Kombat roadmap also states that the game will see changes made seasonally, with new battle types, rewards and characters introduced over time, with expansion into game’s new game modes also on the horizon.

There will be 11 characters in Season 1 – Milady, Baby Doge, Doge, Floki, Kishu, Mong, Pepe, Pepe2, Shiba, Sponge and Wojak – with more to be announced in December 2023.

Traders and Analysts Impressed by Meme Kombat

The presale project has already caught the eye of several notable crypto influencers, traders, and analysts.

Popular YouTuber Joe Parys, who has almost 400,000 subscribers, picked Meme Kombat among his Top 5 meme coins for 2024.

Michael Wrubel, who has over 300k subscribers, also described himself as ‘bullish on $MK’.

Satoshi Stacker also told his 280k followers, ‘don’t miss out’ on Meme Kombat.

Moreover, Inspector Mindblow (70k subscribers) CryptoGains (110k subscribers), Jacob Crypto Bury (25k subscribers), and BigCityCrypto (365k subscribers) are among the many crypto influencers to have provided positive reviews of the project and its potential.

Meme Kombat Staking and Tokenomics

The Meme Kombat presale is now in full swing as it races towards its next landmark of $1 million.

The doxxed and public-facing developers – a rarity in the meme coin world – have made 50% of the 120 million max supply available for presale buyers (60 million), with a soft cap of $5 million and hard cap of $10m. 

$MK tokens cost $0.1667, a price that will be fixed through the entire presale. Another 30% has been allocated for staking and battler rewards, 10% for community rewards, and 10% for decentralized exchange liquidity. Notably, there is no team allocation.

Buyers are also able to instantly stake tokens for the remainder of the presale and earn an annual yield percentage (APY) of 112%

$MK can be purchased with ETH, BNB, or USDT, with a minimum purchase amount of $10.

For more information and the latest news on the project, read through the Meme Kombat whitepaper or join the Telegram group.

Visit Meme Kombat Presale


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Name: Rebecca Phillips

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Introduction: My name is Rebecca Phillips, I am a clever, ingenious, radiant, enterprising, talented, expert, intrepid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.