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DWS and BG Saxo collaborate to promote digital ETFs in Italy

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    DWS has expanded its digital reach in Italy by partnering to offer ETFs on the BG Saxo online platform.

    The firm’s ETFs available on the Banca Generali and Saxo Bank joint platform cover exposures including the S&P 500, Nasdaq 100, emerging markets, bond indices, ESG equity, thematic and sector strategies.

    The German asset manager’s ETFs are now available on four of the most popular digital distribution channels in Italy, with the BG Saxo deal taking its total network of partnerships to 21.

    The firm added “more partnerships are planned”, with digital distribution being “one of the main pillars” of DWS’s ETF growth strategy in Europe.

    Mauro Giangrande, head of Xtrackers sales EMEA south at DWS, commented: “This partnership represents a further step in the realisation of our strategic plan to facilitate the adoption of ETFs by retail investors through digital channels.

    “We are confident that BG SAXO’s clients will welcome the opportunity to invest into a wide range of Xtrackers ETFs on favourable terms.”

    Simone Di Biase, head of relationship management at BG SAXO, added: "With DWS, we are enriching our partnership with first tier ETF and ETN providers that we have involved to design a promotional initiative that benefits of our clients.

    “Thanks to this collaboration we are able to offer an economic advantage in the form of a bonus to all our clients who approach ETFs as a means of diversification and strategic allocation of their investment portfolio.”

    The move sees DWS join the likes of BlackRock, Amundi, Legal & General Investment Management (LGIM) and Franklin Templeton, which have all increased their digital reach in Italy through partnerships over the past 18 months.

    The news also comes after a stellar Q3 for the German ETF issuer which saw it book more than double the inflows of rival firm Amundi. 

    DWS welcomed $7.5bn net new assets over the quarter, equivalent to almost 20% of all inflows into European exchange-traded products (ETPs).


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    Author: Megan Reyes

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    Name: Megan Reyes

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