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Binance Pool Analysis: Can MEME Token Reach 100X?

  • MEME, a project on Binance Launchpool, combines memes and blockchain technology.
  • Users can stake BNB, TUSD, and FDUSD to farm MEME tokens with simplified processes.
  • MEME’s impressive $2.2 billion collection in a day reflects its potential in the crypto space.

Introducing Memecoin (MEME) and the Binance Launchpool: A groundbreaking fusion of memes and blockchain. Explore the staking opportunities, token rewards, and the remarkable success of MEME in the Binance Launchpool. Discover the simplified process and robust support that make MEME a compelling investment.

Binance Launchpool’s Latest Project: Memecoin (MEME)

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Binance is proud to present its 39th project on Binance Launchpool, the highly anticipated Memecoin (MEME). This innovative initiative introduces MEME as the native ecosystem token of Memeland, a Web3 venture studio powered by the renowned global meme platform, 9GAG. We are excited to share all the details of this groundbreaking launch, including information about staking opportunities, token rewards, and trading pairs.

Memecoin’s Vision

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Memecoin (MEME) represents a groundbreaking fusion of memes and blockchain technology. Memeland, an innovative Web3 venture studio, aims to revolutionize meme culture by harnessing the decentralized capabilities of blockchain. As the native ecosystem token, MEME will play a pivotal role in fueling the growth and development of Memeland’s unique initiatives.

Staking Pools and Farming

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Users can participate in the Memecoin Launchpool by staking their BNB (Binance Coin), TUSD (TrueUSD), and FDUSD (Flexible USD) in separate pools, enabling them to farm MEME tokens over a 30-day period. The farming process is scheduled to begin on October 28, 2023, at 00:00 (UTC). Here’s a breakdown of the key details:

Supported Pools and Rewards

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  • Stake BNB: The BNB pool offers 1,104,000,000 MEME tokens as rewards, constituting 80% of the total rewards.
  • Stake TUSD: The TUSD pool provides 138,000,000 MEME tokens as rewards, accounting for 10% of the total rewards.
  • Stake FDUSD: The FDUSD pool also offers 138,000,000 MEME tokens as rewards, making up 10% of the total rewards.

Staking Terms and Hard Cap

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Participation in the Memecoin Launchpool requires users to complete the KYC (Know Your Customer) process. Additionally, there is an hourly hard cap per user for each pool, as follows:

  • BNB pool: 153,333.33 MEME tokens
  • TUSD pool: 19,166.67 MEME tokens
  • FDUSD pool: 19,166.67 MEME tokens

Farming Period and Distribution

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The farming period for Memecoin (MEME) begins on October 28, 2023, at 00:00 (UTC) and concludes on November 26, 2023, at 23:59 (UTC). Throughout this period, snapshots of user balances and total pool balances will be taken multiple times each hour, enabling the calculation of hourly average balances and user rewards.

Users have the flexibility to accumulate their rewards, which are calculated on an hourly basis, and claim them directly to their spot accounts at any time. Real-time updates of each pool’s annual percentage yield (APY) and total pool balance will provide users with accurate information for informed decision-making.

Maximum Token Supply and Initial Circulating Supply

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Memecoin (MEME) has a total and maximum token supply of 69,000,000,000 MEME tokens. At the time of launch, the initial circulating supply will be 8,797,500,000 MEME tokens, representing 12.75% of the total token supply. This allocation ensures a fair distribution of tokens to early participants.

Memecoin (MEME) Listing and Trading

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Following the successful completion of the Memecoin Launchpool, Binance will list MEME on November 3, 2023, at 08:00 (UTC). The trading pairs available for MEME will be MEME/BTC, MEME/USDT, and MEME/BNB, providing users with seamless and efficient trading opportunities. To ensure the integrity and security of the token, the Seed Tag will be applied to MEME, enhancing user trust in the project.

Binance BNB Vault Support and Additional Benefits

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The Binance BNB Vault is fully integrated with the Memecoin Launchpool, simplifying the experience for users who have staked their BNB in the BNB Vault. They will automatically participate in the MEME Launchpool and receive MEME rewards daily in their Spot Wallets. Additionally, users can continue to enjoy the standard benefits associated with holding BNB, including airdrops, eligibility for Binance Launchpad token sales, and VIP benefits, allowing them to maximize their investment potential.

Binance Launchpool Success Stories: MEME’s Remarkable Rise

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To appreciate the immense potential of Binance Launchpool, let’s take a moment to look at some past success stories. MEME is the standout success in Binance Launchpool’s history, having achieved extraordinary milestones. In the last 24 hours, MEME has collected an astounding $2.2 billion, surpassing all previous records set by Binance launchpools, even during bullish market conditions. While this amount doesn’t directly translate to market cap, it unquestionably reflects the substantial interest and active participation in MEME.

MEME’s triumph can be attributed to a combination of factors, including Memeland’s viral campaign on Twitter and the robust support from NFT superfans and 9GAG crypto enthusiasts. MEME’s unique situation sets it apart from other tokens and creates an exceptional investment opportunity.

Understanding MEME’s Value Proposition

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MEME’s popularity can be attributed to several key factors:

  1. Binance’s Simplified Process: Binance has made it incredibly easy for users to participate in the MEME launchpool. By staking their BNB, users can farm MEME tokens without any risk, ensuring a seamless and straightforward experience.
  2. Backing from 9GAG: MEME benefits from the strong backing of 9GAG, a renowned online platform with over 70 million followers. This partnership adds credibility and visibility to the token, attracting a wide audience and creating a solid foundation for its success.
  3. Leveraging 9GAG’s Brand and Binance’s Endorsement: Memeland effectively leverages the popularity of the 9GAG brand, combined with Binance’s endorsement, to market the MEME token. This strategic approach ensures widespread exposure and increases the token’s chances of success in the market.

Short-Term Potential: A Plausible 100x for MEME

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Considering all the factors mentioned, the overall bullish crypto market, and market cap comparisons, it is reasonable to believe in the short-term potential of MEME. The current market conditions, combined with the unique circumstances surrounding MEME’s launch, suggest the possibility of a 100x return on investment.


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In conclusion, Memecoin (MEME) and the Binance Launchpool are a testament to the innovative spirit of the cryptocurrency world. With MEME’s unique fusion of memes and blockchain, the project’s success within the Launchpool, and the simplified investment process, it stands as a promising venture in the ever-evolving landscape of digital assets. Keep an eye on MEME as it continues to make waves in the crypto space.


The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. The article does not offer sufficient information to make investment decisions, nor does it constitute an offer, recommendation, or solicitation to buy or sell any financial instrument. The content is opinion of the author and does not reflect any view or suggestion or any kind of advise from CryptoNewsBytes.com. The author declares he does not hold any of the above mentioned tokens or received any incentive from any company.


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Author: Holly Mcneil

Last Updated: 1700122562

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Name: Holly Mcneil

Birthday: 1976-12-27

Address: 96643 Heather Villages, Andersonshire, NC 17434

Phone: +3864607990092947

Job: Actor

Hobby: Playing Guitar, Playing Chess, Tea Brewing, Lock Picking, Pottery, Animation, Graphic Design

Introduction: My name is Holly Mcneil, I am a treasured, exquisite, vivid, priceless, cherished, apt, steadfast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.